Tuesday, 28 September 2010

24hr Ride

Sadly, Martin my cycling partner had to drop out of the ride at the last minute due to pressure of work. The ride has been postponed until March and I have a new partner Damien (below) and support crew organised.....Bring it on!

Thursday, 19 August 2010

The New Challenge:

How far can David cycle in just 24 hrs? David and friend Martin Lewin of Kudu Bikes in Hawes are setting off at the end of September to cycle non stop for 24 hrs. They will be aiming for the south coast of England. Please sponsor if you can at www.justgiving.com/davidstead

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

BBC Community Heroes

Many thanks to the children of the Education Village for nominating me for the BBC Community Heroes award. I collected it at a ceremony on Saturday and as well as the children I'd like to thank all those who helped with the Vienna ride; in particular Phil and Jenny my support crew, Martin at Kudu Bikes in Hawes and of course Becky, my constant support.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

BBC Community Heroes Project

I was invited into school last week to be interviewed by the children about the ride to Vienna and the sensory playground for the BBC Community Heroes Project . We had a great time and the children did a fantastic job of the filming and interview so a big thank you to Robyn, Courtney, David and of course, Joan.

Below: David films the soft play area, Courtney at the newsdesk and Robyn tries out the slide.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010


Since my last post we have been working hard on the playground and have now added a soft play area (our most costly single item at around £3,000), which has made a fantastic difference to the children's play. We have also added a trampoline, balancing pole, safety fencing and seating areas.

The play area is used daily by many children who would otherwise have had to play indoors or under constant supervision outside. Thank you so much to those who have helped with donations and support.............David